What are the natural and effective treatments for white hair?

traitement cheveux blancs

We are all affected by the appearance of white hair. It’s quite a story! They can surprise us by arriving in our lives relatively early or because of a particularly stressful event or even because of genetics.

However, this generally remains a natural process of hair aging.

Our first instinct, without thinking, is to pull out the first white hairs. Then, once they appear in greater numbers, we want to camouflage them and we rush to the hairdresser.

In this article, you will discover how to restore your hair to a vibrant color without being damaged by toxic products, using natural hair solutions .

(see our article on the link between  stress and white hair )

I. Treatment for white hair: Understanding the appearance

As we age, the appearance of white hair is a natural phenomenon that seems inevitable. This hair depigmentation process is called canitie.

With time and the evolution of our body, melanin, this substance which is responsible for coloring hair, is exhausted little by little. Following this phenomenon, the hair begins to whiten, sometimes going through a gray phase. The result is a duller hair color that lacks shine. The cells called melanocytes no longer produce pigment.

This is when we start to think about the different solutions possible to deal with this hair transformation. The first reaction is often to pull out the white hair that has appeared.

However, it is important to understand that this action does not serve much purpose. In fact, the hair will grow white again given that it is devoid of natural pigments. Additionally, by pulling out the hair, you risk damaging your hair follicle, which can affect the health of your hair in the long term.

The second common reaction to the appearance of gray hair is to turn to hair coloring. Many go to a colorist to ask for permanent color or semi-permanent color. While these solutions can give the appearance of younger hair, they also present demarcation of the natural roots during regrowth.

Unfortunately, coloring your hair is not without consequences. Indeed, it is a way of attacking them given the harmful components often present in coloring products. It is therefore essential to be well informed and choose solutions that respect the health of your hair.

Finally, it is important to note that each individual is unique and the appearance of gray hair can vary depending on factors such as genetics, lifestyle and diet. In some people, the first gray hairs may appear as early as their twenties, while others may retain their natural color into old age.

Faced with the appearance of white hair, it is essential to remember that beauty is not a question of age, but of well-being and self-acceptance.

II. Nutritional deficiencies and their impact

Deficiencies can be a major factor in the early onset of gray hair

They can come from an unbalanced diet or poor quality, chronic fatigue, constant stress or even hormonal imbalance. To compensate for these deficiencies, we recommend increased consumption of foods rich in vitamins B12, B6 and B8, sulfur-containing amino acids and minerals.

These nutrients are essential because they are all components of keratin, which is the structural protein making up our hair fiber. A deficiency in these elements can therefore directly affect the health of your hair, including its pigmentation.

Furthermore, as part of a proactive approach, it is important to support your body with a hair food supplement based on melanin, which is the natural pigment of our hair. These food supplements provide your hair with the nutrients it needs every day and which are not always provided in sufficient quantities by our daily diet.

At D-LAB, we are aware of the importance of these nutrients for the health of your hair. This is why we offer 100% natural food supplements, without controversial products and not tested on animals. By choosing to act in depth, you provide your body with the missing keys to promoting healthy and resilient hair.

Our laboratory has specifically developed a formula to limit the appearance of white hair. Our Melanin Absolute is rich in vitamin B8, also known as biotin. This vitamin has the particularity of strengthening the hair, reducing hair loss and protecting against free radicals, but also against oxidation linked to stress.

Our innovative formula is enriched with keratin hydrolyzate naturally pigmented by melanin. With this powerful combination, it helps darken your hair color while being backed by a clinical study that proves its effectiveness.

In summary, to fight against white hair, a global approach is necessary: ​​a balanced diet, a suitable food supplement, and hair care that respects its nature.

III. What to do about this problem?

Faced with the appearance of white hair, it is essential to adopt a proactive and caring approach. It's not just about finding a treatment to hide the visible signs of aging, but also adopting a hair care routine that supports the overall health of your hair.

1. The treatment in question

There are several treatments for white hair, each having its specificities and advantages. Treatments can be classified according to their nature and their target. Whether topical solutions, dietary supplements or lifestyle changes, each approach has its own merits and can be used in combination to achieve the best results.

Specific treatment for women

Women can benefit from treatments specially formulated to meet their hair needs. These treatments often include dietary supplements rich in vitamins and minerals essential for hair health. These essential nutrients can help maintain natural hair color and prevent loss of pigmentation.

Natural treatment

Natural treatments for white hair include melanin supplements, essential oils and homemade hair masks. These solutions deeply nourish the hair and slow down the appearance of white hair. They are also generally gentler, less invasive, and without the potentially harmful side effects of some chemical coloring solutions.

Treatment for those who turn yellow

For white hair that is turning yellow, it is crucial to use suitable products. Shampoos and specific treatments for white hair contain purple or blue pigments which neutralize yellow reflections and preserve the purity of the color. These products are essential for maintaining a vibrant white hue and avoiding dullness.

2. Adopt a suitable hair care routine

Apart from choosing an appropriate treatment, adopting a suitable hair care routine is essential to maintaining the health of your hair. This includes choosing gentle care products, reducing the use of excessive heat, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients for healthy hair.

IV. Opt for more natural solutions

1. Natural colorings: An alternative

The coloring technique has evolved, it is less aggressive, the hair is less dry and damaged.

Indeed, the appearance of natural colors has something to do with it. They are more available on the shelves of our shopping centers and at hairdressers, they are without ammonia, thus allowing for fewer reactions and allergies at the level of the scalp.

These natural hair colors are good for you and the environment. Their ingredients are free from controversial products, a gentler color treatment for your hair. The good alternative for a lioness's mane revived with color, shiny and silky hair.

The shades are numerous and they are natural shades. From very light blonde to dark blonde, from light brown to dark brown, mahogany, highlights, ash blonde, golden blonde, Venetian blonde or even platinum blonde, a copper color or even red hair.

In short, a vast choice for all desires, even for pink hair or with bluish highlights! A way to change hair color and at the same time to change your head or to find the natural color of your hair.

2. Plant-based colorings

There is also neutral henna, brown, caramel henna, red henna from Yemen, or more coppery like the hennas from Egypt or Rajasthan. The color palettes are numerous, if you combine henna with dye powders like walnut husk or katam.

However, these colorings are simpler for brunettes than for blondes. The tones are less varied than natural colorings, but it still remains a plant-based alternative and non-harmful for our hair.

(Prefer a 100% natural henna without sodium picramate)

3. Temporary freezing: An option

The temporary gel is also appearing, it is plant-based, it fades after several shampoos and does not change the color of your hair . Its application time is approximately 40 minutes, you can do it at home and it covers white hair for your greatest satisfaction. These are ways to avoid the root effect during regrowth for a natural result!

4. Homemade hair masks and treatments

To maintain the health and beauty of your white hair, homemade masks and treatments can be an excellent option. Using natural ingredients such as coconut oil, aloe vera, or even argan oil helps to deeply nourish and hydrate your hair fiber. These ingredients, rich in nutrients, help preserve the softness and shine of your hair while protecting it from external aggressions.

You can also opt for masks based on yogurt and honey, known for their moisturizing and restorative properties. These home treatments are not only economical, but also free from harsh chemicals, making them a healthy and natural alternative.

5. Essential and vegetable oils

Essential and vegetable oils are also valuable allies for your white hair. Rosemary essential oil, for example, is known for its stimulating and strengthening properties. It helps to tone the scalp and stimulate hair growth. 

Castor oil, for its part, is renowned for its nourishing and thickening properties. Applied regularly as a massage on the scalp, it helps to strengthen the hair and restore its vigor.

It is also possible to make oil baths by mixing several vegetable oils, such as avocado oil, jojoba oil, and grapeseed oil.

Leave this mixture on for a few hours, or even overnight, before using a gentle shampoo. This ritual intensely nourishes the hair and makes it more supple and shiny.

6. Specific care

For those who wish to maintain their white hair optimally, there are treatments specially formulated to meet their needs. 

These products often contain ingredients that help neutralize yellow casts and maintain a vibrant white hue. Purple or silver shampoos are particularly recommended to prevent white hair from turning yellow.

Conditioners and masks enriched with purple or blue pigments are also effective in preserving color purity. These products provide shine and radiance while deeply nourishing the hair.

In addition, we can observe a discoloration at the eyebrow level at the same time as the hair, so it is entirely possible to color them. Apply the color with a small brush or ask the hair salon to remember your eyebrows! So you can restore intensity to your eyes for stunning eyes!

Avoid bleaching your hair too often, bleaching attacks the scalp, causing itching and redness.

7. Adopt a gentle hair routine

Don't forget to take care of your hair fiber by choosing a suitable cosmetic: gentle shampoos, without aggressive products, organic shampoos, natural.

Nourish your hair with homemade conditioner, masks and hair care based on essential oils and vegetable oils.

Prefer a rinse with cold water to close the scales and avoid external aggressions.

Avoid drying your hair in a dryer with too high a temperature, instead let it air dry. Remember to protect them in the event of long-term exposure to the sun and when using straightening or curling irons.

It's time to adopt a plant-based hair routine!

Is it possible to repigment white hair?

Repigmentation of white hair is a complex subject. Although certain treatments can help slow down the depigmentation process, there is no miracle solution to completely repigment gray hair. However, dietary supplements and hair care products can improve overall hair health and appearance.

How to stop having white hair?

It is difficult to completely prevent gray hair from appearing, as it is part of the natural aging process. However, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress and using specific dietary supplements can help slow down this process.

How to have beautiful white hair with the right treatment?

To have beautiful white hair, it is essential to maintain it correctly. Using specific shampoos and treatments for white hair, avoiding aggressive products and adopting a gentle hair routine are key steps. Food supplements can also contribute to the health and beauty of white hair.

What to do about white hair: Treatment options

Faced with white hair, several options are available to you. One of them is to accept these changes with confidence and elegance. However, if you prefer to camouflage your white hair, opt for natural solutions that are respectful of your hair fiber. Natural colorings, temporary gels or food supplements rich in vitamins can be excellent alternatives. Don't forget, the health of your hair also requires a balanced diet and good hydration.

How to have beautiful white hair?

To have beautiful white hair, it is essential to maintain it correctly. Using specific shampoos and treatments for white hair, avoiding aggressive products and adopting a gentle hair routine are key steps. Food supplements can also contribute to the health and beauty of white hair.