Capitons & Rétention d'eau

Cellulite & Water Retention

Cellulite is excess fat leading to compression of blood vessels responsible for water retention. To sustainably combat dimpling but especially its causes, it is essential to restart blood circulation but also to boost cellular metabolism to deflate fat cells and thus facilitate the drainage of excess water.

anti cellulite efficace

Drains & Firms

Ce programme complet rassemble 28 ingrédients actifs qui luttent conjointement contre les capitons et leurs causes. Il chasse les excès d'eau, relance la circulation sanguine et active la combustion des graisses. Pour un corps plus ferme et une peau plus lisse.

Sale price68,00€
pro collagène minceur kiwi
Pro-Collagen Slimming Kiwi

Silhouette & Firmness

La SOD de melon cantaloup présente dans cette formule bénéficie d’une étude clinique prouvant son efficacité sur la réduction de la cellulite et la diminution du tour de hanches et de taille. Cette formule innovante contribue à la synthèse de collagène, contrôle le taux de sucre, draine les excès d’eau, stimule l’élimination et lutte contre la destruction des fibres de collagène du derme responsable de la cellulite.

Sale price39,00€
drainage rétention d'eau

Silhouette & Firmness

Sale price39,00€
complexe circulation active
Complexe Circulation Active

Thin and light legs

Sale price24,00€
détox drainant
Draining Detox

Eliminates excess water*

Sale price26,00€
absolu de nopal
Nopal Absolute

Fat capture

Sale price24,00€
complexe minceur enzymatique
Enzymatic Slimming Complex

Digestion & Slimming

Sale price26,80€
Remise exceptionnelle
Complexe Coupe faim
Appetite Suppressant Complex

Regulates appetite and accelerates fat loss

Regular price39,00€ Sale price31,20€

The Nopal

Nopal is a powerful fat trap from the prickly pear, a cactus particularly rich in fiber, with strong hydrophilic and lipophilic powers, capable of absorbing up to 36 times its weight in fat so that they are eliminated before 'be digested. Once trapped, fats are eliminated naturally.

Understanding water retention and dimpling

There water retention and dimpling are common aesthetic concerns, particularly among women. Fluid retention occurs when the body accumulates fluid in the tissues, causing the legs to feel heavy and swollen. Dimples, known as cellulite, form when fat cells under the skin overgrow, creating a bumpy appearance. Understanding these phenomena is essential to finding effective solutions.


Their causes

There water retention and the appearance of capitons can be linked to several factors such as hormonal variations, poor blood circulation or an unbalanced diet. D-LAB food supplements, formulated with natural and ultra-sourced ingredients, can help restore internal balance and promote better detoxification and circulation. Thus, they can help reduce the signs of water retention and the appearance of dimpling.


Food supplements for water retention and cellulite: an effective solution

Draining food supplements

THE Draining food supplements are designed to promote the elimination of excess fluids and improve blood circulation. By stimulating kidney and lymphatic function, these supplements help reduce toxin and fluid buildup.

How can dietary supplements help reduce the appearance of dimpling and cellulite?

Draining food supplements play a crucial role in reducing the appearance of dimpling and cellulite. By promoting the elimination of fluids and toxins, they help to deflate tissues and improve the texture of the skin. The active ingredients found in these supplements, such as green tea and dandelion, stimulate circulation and help break down fat, making skin smoother and firmer.

There reduction of water retention is a key step in reducing the appearance of dimples. D-LAB food supplements, such as Action-Capitons Program, are specifically designed to support this process. By stimulating diuresis and detoxification, these supplements help eliminate excess fluids and improve circulation. This contributes to smoother skin and a slimmer silhouette.


Anti-cellulite capsules

In addition to a healthy diet and regular physical activity, food supplements can be a valuable ally in the fight against dimpling. 

THE anti cellulite capsules specifically target dimples by acting on fat cells. These supplements contain active ingredients that help break down fat and smooth the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.



Key natural ingredients in the fight against water retention and dimpling

Slimming drainers

THE slimming drainers are food supplements formulated to promote the elimination of fluids and toxins. They generally contain plant extracts such as dandelion, green tea and blackcurrant, known for their diuretic and detoxifying properties.


Effective draining ingredients

Among the effective draining ingredients, we find birch, artichoke and orthosiphon. These plants help stimulate diuresis, thereby reducing water retention. They are often present in draining food supplements for their proven effectiveness.


Fight cellulite with natural ingredients

For fight cellulite, ingredients like caffeine, guarana and grape marc are particularly effective. They promote lipolysis, the process of fat breakdown, and improve microcirculation, thus contributing to smoother, dimpling-free skin.