Comment choisir ma cure D-LAB ?

How to choose my D-LAB treatment?

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How to choose my D-LAB treatment?

Because you are unique, D-LAB has developed around thirty natural and concentrated formulas, combined within ultra-targeted micronutrition programs, to provide solutions specific to everyone's needs.

But how to find your way among all these formulas? In this article, we explain how to choose your D-LAB cure.

Why so many products at D-LAB?

Making you gain radiance and energy is the promise of all dietary supplements available on the market today. But to live up to this promise, you still have to offer you formulas that really work. And the formulas that really work are targeted. It is their precision, the concentration of their active ingredients that make it possible to obtain results.


D-LAB is about thirty natural, targeted, high quality, ultra-concentrated formulas made in France. You will not find just one dietary supplement for hair, but several. Not just one detox cure, but several, specific to your goal. You will also find a whole range of supplements for the skin, adapted to each type, and to each problem.


Because the strength of D-LAB, since its launch, has always been to offer the most precise, the most targeted, the most expert answers to each problem: better sleep, better blood circulation, better elimination, better regeneration. cellular…


The breadth of our range is our uniqueness and our richness, it is our requirement for the performance of our products.

Each product is unique and specific, this is what will allow you to create the right synergy for you, tailor-made. Skin, hair, well-being, energy, slimming, digestion, drainage, detox, cycle and maternity… our range of nutritional supplements covers a wide range of concerns since our formulas can be combined with each other and meet everyone's needs.

  • Our Activators help boost cellular and molecular metabolism to optimize the body's performance and prepare the body for a nutritional cure.

  • Our Absolutes are natural active ingredients, ultra-concentrated, patented or clinically tested for the majority. They bring intense nutrition to the heart of the cells to unfold their full potential.

  • Our Complexes are synergistic and powerful blends of plants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids or probiotics. Together, they act in a targeted manner on a problem and its causes.

  • Our Detox aim to stimulate the elimination of all harmful or excess substances in our body: toxins, heavy metals, water, fats… Because when the body is clean, it functions better.

To go further in efficiency, we have created Duos and Programs to act on several levers at the same time, and initiate a virtuous circle to achieve lasting benefits.

Why programs?

At D-LAB, we consider the whole body because everything is interconnected. We believe that to obtain concrete and lasting results, and to tackle a multifactorial problem as a whole, it is also necessary to fight its causes.

In line with custom-made, D-LAB has sought to develop the perfect formula according to each person's individual needs. This is how our range was developed in the form of programs combining naturopathy, phytotherapy and micronutrition to create a virtuous circle and achieve lasting benefits .

Designed, each program includes 3 complementary, concentrated and broad-spectrum formulas for which we have researched and associated high quality ingredients, selected with regard to real nutritional expertise, to be taken simultaneously for 28 days, to align with the cell renewal cycles.

The programs make it possible to simultaneously activate 9 levers on which nutritional supplements are particularly relevant: nutrition, metabolism, cellular aging, circulation, thermogenesis, detoxification, microbiota, neuro-hormonal balance and balance acid-base.

Each program runs through three phases of action: activation, optimization and elimination.

For example, to treat cellulite, we will activate the fat burning metabolism, optimize blood circulation and eliminate excess water.



The cells are at the origin of the functioning of the organism. Each cell is a focus of energy creation. The many biological processes and biochemical reactions that take place there allow the production of ATP: the universal energy substrate. ATP provides the energy needed by the body to perform all of its vital functions.

Activators were created to energize cells, ATP production and metabolic activity to release the body's internal resources.



To prolong the activation phase, the cells must be nourished. Indeed, strengthening cellular activity in depth increases tenfold and optimizes the results initiated.

Active Complexes and Absolutes are directly inspired by micronutrition. Rich in vitamins and minerals, they bring advanced and appropriate nutrition to the body in order to stimulate its performance.



In order to functionalize the activity of the organs, it is essential to evacuate the toxic waste and to balance the “filter systems”. Detoxes are composed of plants recognized for their purifying properties associated with active ingredients targeted for functional purification and a restored organism. The management of beauty issues according to D-LAB makes it possible to re-establish a virtuous circle within the body. The body is deeply rebalanced for lasting results.

How does D-LAB help you self-diagnose ?

As it is not always easy to compose your tailor-made treatment yourself, we have implemented several self-diagnosis tools:

  • Videos simply explain to you the mode of action of each product.

  • The product sheets give you all the necessary information: benefits, ingredients, detailed mode of action, dosage, duration of treatment, contraindications, etc.

  • The online self-diagnosis is a quick questionnaire allowing you to target the tailor-made program that will precisely meet your expectations.

  • The lives on social networks , presented by our dieticians, are always available to answer your questions. Each week, the lives will bring you precise answers on given issues.

  • The team is also there to help you through personalized exchanges, by email or telephone.

The care you take today to identify each need, hand in hand with us, is the efficiency you will gain tomorrow. Because having a specific, targeted goal is the best way to achieve it.

The micronutrient calendar

Depending on the time of year, temperature changes affect our body and our way of life. Our needs vary and so do our goals.

For this reason, D-LAB offers you a micronutrition calendar adapted to your needs to optimize your performance and protect your body throughout the year.

1 - Winter: make way for the extreme cold and the end-of-year celebrations

Excess and parties: During the holiday season, food excesses are numerous. This time of year is conducive to weight gain due to the consumption of sugars, fats and alcohol.

In addition, the work of the liver is slowed down. Indeed, in addition to cleaning the body of all its impurities and toxins, the liver must also manage these dietary excesses. When it is congested, inflamed and deficient, it directly affects the quality of skin, hair, sleep and even daily energy.

We recommend you :

  • L' Absolu de Nopal : a cactus extract rich in fibre, capable of capturing and eliminating fat, before its assimilation and storage in the fat cells. It's really the ideal ally to have fun from time to time while keeping your slimming goals.
  • The Liver Detox : This formula contains plant and seaweed extracts which are known to cleanse, regenerate and protect the liver, but also to eliminate accumulated heavy metals. Thus, the liver can better manage its other missions (management of sugars and fats, regeneration of skin, hair, etc.).

Extreme cold and skin : During the winter, skin dehydration can occur when cold, heating, wind and temperature changes attack the hydrolipidic film which protects the skin from the outside world. In addition to the signs of dehydration, the thinning of the hydrolipidic film is felt in particular by very reactive, extremely sensitive skin, which is characterized by redness, a feeling of tightness and flaking.


We recommend you :

  • The Soothed Skin Complex : Formulated with zinc, copper, hemp oil, and plant extracts, this complex of highly dosed and bioavailable active ingredients has been designed to calm redness, soothe, moisturize and protect the skin. sensitive and reactive.
  • L' Absolu Omega-3 : A marine oil from microalgae titrated in EPA and DHA, naturally rich and balanced in essential fatty acids to strengthen the hydrolipidic film and densify the skin. The skin is thus more supple, dense and resistant to external aggressions, which considerably limits the inconvenience felt during the winter (tightness, redness, flaking).

2 - Spring: change of season and arrival of summer

Skin and imperfections: The changes of seasons affect our body and more particularly our skin. With each change of season, you have to review your beauty routine to adapt it to the climate, lifestyle, hormones... The transition from winter to spring can be harsh for our face, and result in dull skin for dry ones and with pimples / imperfections for combination skin.

We recommend the Skin-Perfect Program :

A complete program that acts 360° on the sources of imbalances in problem skin. In 3 complementary steps, it regulates sebum, accelerates healing and dislodges long-term imperfections by balancing the microbiota.

Slimming and silhouette: Spring is the ideal time for a detox targeted at the microbiota.

When summer approaches, the need to prepare your body for the beach is more and more felt: it is then the last straight line to refine your weight loss and your silhouette. All healthy slimming alternatives are therefore good for maximizing fat burning and achieving your slimming goals more quickly.

To activate lasting weight loss, the Slimming Detox activates three interdependent mechanisms: it stimulates the elimination of sugars and fats, reduces their absorption and detoxifies the filter organs for better elimination. It is the slimming ally par excellence, it helps to multiply the effects of diet and sport.

In addition to physical activity, Absolute Collagen will help you firm the skin of the bust, stomach, buttocks and thighs before summer!

3 - Summer: holidays in the sun

Tanning & skin protection: In summer, beauty is often associated with tanning which gives a tanned complexion and a healthy glow. To tan, you must have a stimulus (sun, UV, beta-carotene, etc.). However, each exposure to the sun depletes the sun capital, contributes to cellular aging and can even lead to sun allergies, especially for sensitive skin. It is therefore essential to strengthen skin protection against UV rays, which are mainly implicated in the negative effects caused by exposure.

For a sublime tan and protected skin in summer, we recommend Duo Eclat Total . This unique and complete duo combines a tanning, protective and soothing action, to enjoy the benefits of the sun while protecting yourself from harmful UV rays. Formulated for sensitive skin, L'Éclat-Total activates and enhances the tan thanks to plant extracts rich in carotenoids. It also protects the skin from photo-aging thanks to powerful antioxidants whose effectiveness is clinically proven.

Water retention & heavy legs: In summer, the heat causes dilation of the veins in the lower body, which is responsible for poor venous return and the feeling of heavy legs. Slowed blood flow is directly responsible for water retention and swelling in the legs.

The Super Draining Duo is made up of 2 products that will act in synergy and in depth to promote a feeling of lightness in the lower body: the Active Circulation Complex contains venotonic active ingredients to boost blood flow and the Draining Detox contains extracts diuretic plants to drain excess water.

4 - Autumn: return to work and drop in temperature

In autumn, the body undergoes several changes to adapt to the difference in sunlight, humidity and temperature. The change of season and the change of pace due to the resumption of work generally causes hair loss, but also a drop in energy and morale. Autumn fatigue is characterized by a weariness tinged with gloom, and accompanied by sleep disturbances.

To anticipate this change of season, we advise you:

  • L' Absolu de Keratin : This formula provides a high dose of natural keratin, the effectiveness of which has been scientifically proven to considerably reduce hair loss. Keratin also helps repair and deeply nourish hair that is often weakened and damaged after the summer.
  • The Charge-Mentale Program combines 37 active ingredients known to stimulate and soothe the nervous, hormonal and immune systems. Together, they durably reduce anxiety and fatigue, detoxify the body and restore energy and motivation on a daily basis.

Discover the products presented in our article:

Keratin Absolute

Anti-hair loss & Repair

Sold out


Stimulates body and mind

Sold out

Liver Detox

Depollution & Heavy Metals

Sold out