compléments alimentaires

Why do we need dietary supplements?

Our body uses what we ingest as fuel. A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy body, and hea...
bienfaits acide hyaluronique

Benefits of hyaluronic acid, everything you need to know!

Benefits of hyaluronic acid, what are they and why it has become essential in our beauty care and...
Collagène Peau
acide hyaluronique et collagène

Hyaluronic acid and collagen, a winning duo

When used together, hyaluronic acid and collagen work synergistically to deliver optimal results ...
bienfaits du collagène

The multiple benefits of collagen for general well-being

Discover the benefits of collagen on your body with D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS. For natural beauty and ...
cure pour le foie

Liver cure: Complete guide to a successful detox

Why is a liver cure essential? Discover how our D-LAB products help eliminate toxins for optimal ...
D-LAB gamme à base de collagène

Live of the month on our collagen range

Meet Nariné, our specialist in dietetics and nutrition, for a live session on our Collagen range....
effets du collagène

Effects of collagen: The complete D-LAB guide

The effects of collagen are numerous and beneficial for our skin, joints and other tissues in our...
D-LAB gamme peau

Live: How to choose your ideal treatment for the skin?

This week meet Nariné, our dietitian-nutritionist specializing in micro-nutrition for a new live ...
collagène c'est quoi

What is collagen?

Collagen is found in our skin, hair, nails, intestines, joints, tendons and even bones. It is thi...