Top 5 diets to lose weight before summer

Summer is coming, we are going to return to beautiful beaches, swimming pools, beautiful landscapes... For some, these settings are synonymous with swimsuits, silhouettes, but also showing themselves with extra pounds.

First of all, we remind you that losing weight before summer is not a necessity. It is an approach that accompanies all those who feel better in a more refined body than the rest of the year.

To support these people, D-LAB gives you all its advice and gives you its top 5 diets to lose weight before summer.

Why a diet? By diet, we mean the balanced diet that suits you. As you know, all our slimming treatments must be accompanied by a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

dietary rebalancing can be different depending on each person's goals and lifestyle.

Forget the Weight Watchers diets, cabbage soup or high protein diets, here are 5 diets that will really help you, combined with the right slimming treatment .


I. The Mediterranean diet 

For those aiming for good cardiovascular health and to burn fat effortlessly

This diet is characteristic of the diet of populations in the Mediterranean basin.

The American Ancel Keys showed that populations around the Mediterranean had good cardiovascular health although 40% of calories were provided by fat.

I draw your attention to this point, to remind you that regarding fats, it is only a question of “How to choose them well?” and not “How to ban them?”. Good fats are our friends!

It is also thanks to them that we can synthesize the good hormones. A good hormonal balance allows the metabolism to function well and therefore to be able to lose weight and not be blocked.

régime méditerranéen

To practice this diet, you must: 

vegetables at every meal! Raw or cooked, fill half the plate. Concerning starchy foods, they should not be neglected because they are our primary source of energy. They must fill a quarter of our plate.

Choose olive oile, the star of this diet, rather than butter, which is bad for your health.

On the protein side, we focus on seafood, we can eat white meat but without excess, and for red meat, it is a maximum of once a week. Dairy products: in moderate quantities, and red wine is tolerated at a rate of one glass per meal :)

The goal of this diet is to completely avoid prepared, industrial, overly salty, ultra-processed meals and refined cereals, which are the enemies of your weight loss.

Lose weight with the Mediterranean diet

a. Menu for weight loss

A typical menu for weight loss on the Mediterranean diet might include a breakfast of fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, and some nuts. 

For lunch, a mixed vegetable salad with grilled fish and a drizzle of olive oil. Dinner could be a serving of steamed vegetables with chicken or fish, accompanied by quinoa or brown rice.

b. Meals for weight loss

Meals should be balanced and include a variety of nutrient-rich foods. 

For example, a lunch might include a quinoa salad with fresh vegetables, chickpeas and a vinaigrette made from olive oil and lemon. 

A dinner might be vegetable soup with lentils and a slice of wholemeal bread.

II. The Glycemic Index Diet

The goal of this diet is to play on satiety to lose weight.

The Glycemic Index of a food is a number indicating the greater or lesser capacity of this food to raise your blood sugar quickly.

The lower the glycemic index, the slower digestion and the more stable our blood sugar levels.

Thus, satiety is promoted, and sweet cravings as well as hypoglycemia prompting eating are controlled and reduced: weight loss assured.

Conversely, the higher the glycemic index, the more you disturb your blood sugar levels and your weight loss/regain.

A low glycemic index is less than 55. Obviously, we cannot know or have fun looking for the glycemic index of all foods, however there are some tips to know to guide your diet in accordance with this diet:

régime à index glycémique
  • The cooking method strongly influences the glycemic index. The more you cook a food, the higher you use cooking temperatures, etc., the more the glycemic index will rise. For example, for pasta, prefer hard cooking to al dente rather than tender cooking. Think about legumes, which are very interesting!

  • refining food: prefer raw or dark foods to white flours or processed foods.
  • The amount of fiber in foods
  • Mix foods: the more you vary the food families together, the lower the glycemic index.

This diet is important, even if you don't necessarily want to lose weight, but only to regulate your appetite .

Weight loss with the Glycemic Index diet

To lose weight with this diet, it is essential to choose foods with a low glycemic index. 

For example, opt for green vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and refined sugars that quickly raise blood sugar levels.

III. The intestinal microbiota diet

We no longer hide it from you, the microbiota is at the heart of our shape. To be able to shed excess pounds, you have to take care of this living micro-world.

If our intestinal flora is well balanced, and it contains enough good bacteria, then we can digest normally and effectively the food bolus.

Otherwise, we bloat and stock up, because our digestion is impaired and food ferments.

How to take care of your intestinal microbiota ?

First, we take a probiotic treatment for two or three months to repopulate the entire intestine with Absolu Probiopure .

This formula developed by the D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS team contains 5 strains of lactic ferments very close to those in our intestines. It rebalances and promotes digestive comfort.

It can be supplemented with the Enzymatic Slimming Complex , containing digestive enzymes, to digest more quickly and transform food into energy and avoid storing it.

Weight loss with the intestinal microbiota diet

To lose weight on this diet, it is crucial to maintain a healthy gut microbiota. 

Consume fermented foods like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. Avoid processed foods high in sugars which disrupt the balance of intestinal flora.

IV. The chrononutrition diet

Chrononutrition is the act of eating according to the times of the day.

This involves consuming foods at the time of day when they are most useful to meet the body's energy needs. Concretely, we eat a little bit of everything but at specific times of the day.

It is a very interesting diet which has shown its evidence on overweight people.

How to apply it?

In the morning, you must eat fat, to achieve satiety, and especially not sugar. This will help avoid cravings and fatigue in the morning.

Lunch will be the largest meal in terms of quantity but without fat: proteins and starchy foods.

If you are hungry in the afternoon: have a sweet snack, this is the period when the body assimilates sugars best.

Finally, for dinner, it should be as light as possible according to this diet, fish or white meat, and a little vegetables.

Weight loss with the chrononutrition diet

To lose weight with chrononutrition, it is essential to respect meal times. 

Consume fats in the morning, proteins and carbohydrates at lunch, sugars in the afternoon and a light dinner. This approach maximizes the use of nutrients by the body.

V. Simple food rebalancing

The simplest and most recommended for our cures: dietary rebalancing.

Sometimes you don't have to look far to lose weight: changing two or three bad eating habits is enough to lose those last few extra pounds.

We eat when we are hungry, we structure our meals over the day avoiding snacking between; we eat vegetables at every meal, we drink a lot of water, we don't cut out anything but we eat everything in small quantities and we don't feel guilty!

A “standard” meal would correspond to: half a plate of vegetables, a quarter of starchy foods, and a quarter of proteins. We have yogurt for dessert for calcium intake, and we reduce the usual quantities a little to lose weight.

Of course, all of these diets can be accompanied by a slimming food supplement to initiate weight loss and make it sustainable.

Weight loss with simple food rebalancing

To lose weight with a balanced diet, it is important to eat a balanced and varied diet. Eat vegetables at every meal, drink plenty of water and avoid snacking. Eat moderate portions and don't cut out any food groups.

VI. Summer diet for women

Menu for a week

A menu for a week for women could include breakfasts of green smoothies, lunches of varied salads and light dinners with lean proteins and vegetables. Snacks can include fresh fruit, nuts and plain yogurt.

Express before summer for women

For rapid weight loss before summer, it is recommended to follow a diet rich in vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. Meals should be light and frequent to keep the metabolism active.

VII. Summer diet for men

Menu for a week

A week's menu for men might include protein-rich breakfasts like vegetable omelettes, lunches of chicken salads, and dinners of grilled fish with vegetables. Snacks can include protein bars and dried fruit.

Express before summer for men

For rapid weight loss before summer, it is recommended to follow a diet rich in proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. Meals should be balanced and include moderate portions of complex carbohydrates.

How to integrate summer superfoods to maximize the benefits?

Summer superfoods like berries, avocados and greens can be incorporated into smoothies, salads and main dishes to maximize nutritional benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals essential for health.

How to lose weight during the summer?

To lose weight during the summer, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet, stay hydrated and engage in regular physical activity. D-LAB food supplements can also support this process by optimizing metabolism and promoting detoxification.

What natural supplements can help improve digestion during this time?

Natural supplements like probiotics, digestive enzymes and fiber can help improve digestion during the summer. D-LAB offers specific formulas to support digestive comfort and promote balanced intestinal flora.

What foods should you choose for an effective weight loss program in summer?

For an effective slimming cure in summer, choose foods rich in fiber, lean proteins and healthy fats. Fresh vegetables, fruits, oily fish and nuts are excellent choices for maintaining a healthy weight and promoting weight loss.

What are the benefits of a pre-summer detox for skin and hair?

A pre-summer detox can improve skin and hair health by eliminating toxins accumulated in the body. D-LAB detox supplements can help purify the body, improve skin radiance and strengthen hair.

What are the best food supplements to support this period?

The best dietary supplements to support weight loss during the summer include the D-LAB Fat Burning Program, the Action-Capitones Program and the Flat Stomach Program. These formulas are designed to optimize metabolism, reduce cellulite and improve digestive comfort.