absolu de nopal
capteur de graisses
nopal capteur de graisses
nopal perte de poids avis
absolu de nopal
nopal perte de poids

Nopal Absolute

Sale price24,00€

Fat capture

Le Nopal est un puissant capteur de graisses issu du figuier de Barbarie, un cactus particulièrement riche en fibres, capable d'absorber jusqu'à 36 fois son poids en graisses pour qu'elles soient éliminées avant d'être digérées.

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Ideal as a complement to your D-LAB slimming program for capture and eliminate lipids before they are assimilated by the body: to take continuously or occasionally, just after a pleasure meal!


Captures and eliminates lipids.

Nopal is an exotic plant that is part of the cactus family and has strong hydrophilic and lipophilic powers. It is capable of absorbing up to 36 times its weight in fats before they are digested. Once trapped, fats are eliminated naturally.


Promotes the feeling of satiety.

Once extracted, dried and ingested, nopal swells up to 50 times the size of its dried form! This property particularly interested us because the nopal fibers consumed swell in the stomach, thus promoting the feeling of satiety.

D-LAB is committed to a high dose of nopal, or prickly pear, to activate weight loss through three complementary actions: it controls sugar levels, increases the feeling of satiety and absorbs sugars and fats to reduce caloric intake.

Nopal is an exotic plant that is part of the cactus family and is endowed with strong hydrophilic and lipophilic powers. Thanks to its richness in mucilaginous fibers, it can absorb and store both water and fats to better survive in arid environments such as the desert.

Once extracted, dried and ingested, nopal swells up to 50 times the size of its dried form! This property particularly interested us because the nopal fibers consumed swell in the stomach, thus promoting the feeling of satiety while helping to better eliminate lipids.

*Nopal supports slimming, absorbs fats and sugar, helps control glucose levels, reduces appetite, contributes to fat metabolism, which contributes to weight control and supports slimming programs by reducing and caloric intake.

The results


have less frequent urges to snack**


notice a slimming of their figure*


claim to have a flatter and less bloated stomach*


are considering a repurchase*

Learn more

* Satisfaction test carried out in self-assessment by 30 testers - DLABQDC0419 ** Satisfaction test carried out in self-assessment by 25 testers - DLABQDC1219

The actions

Captures and eliminates fats

Nopal absolute, a powerful fat trap, absorbs up to 36 times its weight in fat for elimination before digestion.

Regulates appetite and promotes the feeling of satiety

Nopal swells up to 50 times the size of its dried form after ingestion. Its fibers increase the feeling of satiety.

Controls sugar levels

Nopal helps regulate glucose levels, thereby contributing to the reduction of calorie intake.

Contributes to fat metabolism

Nopal supports slimming by absorbing fats and sugar, and contributes to fat metabolism, promoting weight control.

Promotes weight loss

Nopal promotes the reduction of caloric intake, thus supporting slimming programs.

Our customers talk about it

Made in our home in Auvergne



L’Absolu de Nopal peut être consommé de façon occasionnelle ou en cure à renouveler tous les 2 mois. Les fibres captent à la fois l'eau dans l'estomac pour un effet coupe-faim mais aussi les graisses pour limiter leur stockage.

En raison de l’amélioration continue de nos formules, et pour une efficacité toujours plus optimale, nous avons décidé de vous proposer le nopal sous forme de comprimés. En effet, lorsqu’il est consommé après un repas c’est-à-dire au moment où les graisses alimentaires flottent en surface, l’Absolu de Nopal est très efficace! Il s’agit du moment où la surface de contact avec les graisses est la plus importante, ce qui permet de capter, puis éliminer, un maximum de graisses! Vous pouvez d’ailleurs retrouver une vidéo explicative représentant ce phénomène, avant ou après le repas, pour vous rendre compte de l’efficacité de nos comprimés :)

On recommande de consommer les comprimés entre 30 et 60 min après le repas :) C’est le temps que les graisses ingérées pendant le repas soient libérées dans l’estomac.

Le format 1 mois contient 56 comprimés dans un flacon en verre.
Le format 3 mois contient 168 comprimés dans un flacon en verre.