Chromium, a natural regulator of sugar levels

Cravings for sweet foods? Uncontrolled snacking? Perpetual feelings of hunger

Perhaps there is a link to a possible chromium deficiency. We never hear enough about chrome. Chromium is a trace element present in very small quantities in our body: 6 mg. It has many properties and not the least, it is involved in particular in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

In this article, you will discover how chromium acts on the regulation of sugar levels in our body and how important it is to provide it through food. If food is not enough, you can supplement.

chrome sucre

I. Chromium and sugar, explanations

Chromium is a trace element present in small quantities in food. This nutrient is found mainly in seafood, oilseed fruits (almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts), offal, potatoes, bananas and broccoli. It nevertheless has several roles important in our body, particularly in the metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

Our blood sugar is regulated by the pancreas and more precisely by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans which secrete a very specific hormone: insulin. It helps regulate blood sugar levels in our body. In the case of a pathology like diabetes, insulin secretion is disrupted, or even non-existent.

Diabetes is defined by chronic hyperglycemia, that is to say a fasting blood sugar level greater than 1.26 g/L.

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is defined as a total absence of insulin secretion. As the pancreas no longer secretes this hormone, blood glucose levels are no longer regulated and this frequently leads to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels). Hyperglycemia is manifested by palpitations, dizziness, cold sweats and nausea.

type 2 diabetes is defined as insulin-resistant, that is to say that diabetic people continue to secrete insulin but strong>cells in their body have developed insulin resistance. In other words, the receptors in their cells no longer recognize insulin, which can therefore no longer fulfill its role. Thus, this causes a rise in blood sugar levels which can have serious consequences.

When insulin secretion is disrupted, feelings of hunger are felt more strongly and are generally satisfied by a sweet craving. Hunger is in fact regulated by two hormones: ghrelin and insulin. When their actions are disturbed, we generally observe weight gain. It is a vicious circle that presents itself to you and from which you would voluntarily like to get out.

II. The benefits of chromium on sugar

A complex relationship

Its role in sugar regulation

Chromium increases the sensitivity of our cells to insulin and thus actively participates in the regulation of sugar levels in our body by helping insulin to attach to our cells. When eating, the level of this hormone increases and chromium intervenes to play its role.

How it fights and controls sugar

This property was officially discovered more than 60 years ago and yet we still don't talk enough about the benefits of chromium. By regulating appetite, it helps in weight loss.

It is therefore preferable, whether you are diabetic or not, to have a balanced and varied diet. 

Opt for seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes (lentils, red beans, etc.) or even oilseed fruits (almonds, walnuts, etc.). These foods all have the particularity of being rich in fiber, which will allow you to reduce the Glycemic Index of your meals.

This index corresponds to the speed at which the carbohydrates we consume arrive in our blood.

The higher the Glycemic Index, the more quickly the ingested sugars will be present in the blood, which will cause hyperglycemia. Insulin will play its role in reducing this blood sugar level but this will result in fat storage and therefore weight gain. To avoid this, fibers will help you. Also avoid taking sugary products outside of meals because taken in isolation, they will tend to enter the bloodstream very quickly and you now know the consequences.

Finally, if you are not getting enough chromium on your plate, you can opt for a adapted food supplement.

How can supplementing with chromium help reduce sugar cravings?

At D-LAB, we offer a wide range of natural food supplements to address various issues. We are committed to helping with well-being. Our Kiwi Slimming Pro-Collagen provides 19.5 ug to your body, meaning it covers half of your needs and thus completes your plate . It is accompanied by white mulberry leaf extract which blocks the absorption of carbohydrates by the body. Thanks to this supplement you will provide real support to your body and your blood sugar levels by fighting against sweet cravings in order to avoid snacking.

If you want to optimize weight loss , you can count on a fat-burning supplement .

Discover fat burners: Our Fat Burner Program will perfectly meet your expectations. Indeed, it acts at 360 ° thanks to its three products which provide a triple action . It is composed of a Metabolism Activator to stimulate our metabolism , the Active Energy Complex to capture and eliminate fats and a Slimming Detox which will preserve the body thanks to its antioxidants. They are rich in chromium and thus allow to reach a total of 33 ug of chromium .

bienfaits du chrome

Facing sugar addiction

How to help overcome addiction

Chromium plays a crucial role in managing sugar addiction. By increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, it helps stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby reducing sugar cravings and compulsive snacking.

Its role in weaning

By regulating appetite and stabilizing blood sugar levels, chromium can help break the cycle of sugar addiction. A diet rich in chromium can therefore be beneficial for those looking to reduce their sugar intake.


Weaning off sugar can be made easier by supplementing with chromium. By helping to regulate blood sugar levels, chromium can reduce withdrawal symptoms and make the transition to a healthier diet easier.

Testimonials on its effectiveness against addiction

Chromium may also play a role in sugar detoxification. By stabilizing blood sugar levels, it helps reduce sugar cravings and prevent snacking, thereby facilitating detoxification.

Many nutrition experts recommend chromium as an effective supplement for managing sugar addiction. Its blood sugar regulating properties make it a valuable ally for those looking to reduce their sugar consumption.

Managing Cravings with Chrome

Use it as an appetite suppressant

Chromium is an excellent ally in fighting sugar cravings. By increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, it helps stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby reducing sugar cravings.

Calm sugar cravings

By regulating appetite, chromium can also act as a natural appetite suppressant. It helps reduce snacking and maintain a balanced diet.

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Chromium may help quell sugar cravings by stabilizing blood sugar levels. A diet rich in chromium can therefore be beneficial for those looking to reduce their sugar intake.

Its role in the face of sugar cravings

By increasing cells' sensitivity to insulin, chromium can help curb sugar cravings. It is therefore recommended to include foods rich in chromium in your diet.

Chromium may also help reduce sugar cravings by regulating blood sugar levels. Chromium supplementation may therefore be beneficial for those looking to reduce their sugar intake.

Chromium may play a crucial role in managing sugar cravings. By stabilizing blood sugar, it helps reduce sugar cravings and prevent compulsive snacking.

Additional Information

Opinions on its effects

Many nutrition experts recommend chromium as an effective supplement for regulating blood sugar and reducing sugar cravings. Its properties make it a valuable ally for those seeking to maintain a balanced diet.


The recommended dosage of chromium varies depending on individual needs. It is generally advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting chromium supplementation.

As a cure

Chromium, in synergy with other nutrients like vitamins and minerals, can improve skin and hair health. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, which can reduce inflammation and skin problems. In addition, by improving blood circulation, it promotes better nutrition of hair follicles, thus contributing to healthier and stronger hair.

Is it good to take chromium?

Chromium is an essential trace element for the proper functioning of the body. By increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevent sugar spikes. Chromium supplementation may be beneficial for those looking to reduce their sugar intake and maintain a balanced diet.

How does it work synergistically with other nutrients to improve skin and hair health?

Chromium, in synergy with other nutrients like vitamins and minerals, can improve skin and hair health. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, which can reduce inflammation and skin problems. In addition, by improving blood circulation, it promotes better nutrition of hair follicles, thus contributing to healthier and stronger hair.

How does it contribute to the regulation of blood levels?

Chromium increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, making it easier for cells to absorb glucose and reducing blood sugar levels. This regulation is essential for maintaining stable blood sugar levels and preventing sugar spikes that can lead to sugar cravings and snacking.

Can chromium play a role in weight management and slimming?

Chromium may play an important role in weight and slimming management by regulating appetite and stabilizing blood sugar levels. By reducing sugar cravings and snacking, it can help maintain a healthy weight and promote weight loss.

Does chromium lower blood sugar?

Yes, chromium can help lower blood sugar by increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin. This allows for better absorption of glucose by cells, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

Its role in weight and slimming management

Chromium may play an important role in weight and slimming management by regulating appetite and stabilizing blood sugar levels. By reducing sugar cravings and snacking, it can help maintain a healthy weight and promote weight loss.

Benefits for overall health and inner beauty

Chromium offers many benefits for overall health and inner beauty. By regulating blood sugar, it helps prevent sugar spikes and snacking, thus promoting a balanced diet. Additionally, by improving blood circulation, it contributes to better cell nutrition, which can improve skin and hair health.

What are its effects on insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate metabolism?

Chromium increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, making it easier for cells to absorb glucose. This helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevent sugar spikes. Additionally, by improving carbohydrate metabolism, chromium may help maintain a healthy weight and promote weight loss.

Signs of a deficiency in the body

Signs of chromium deficiency may include sugar cravings, compulsive snacking, weight gain, excessive fatigue, and fluctuations in blood sugar. A balanced diet and chromium supplementation can help prevent these symptoms.