The main foods to avoid for a bloated stomach

Feeling of heaviness , swollen stomach , hard stomach , bloating , pain ... These digestive disorders can be difficult to live with on a daily basis. Find out what the causes may be by implementing an anti-swollen stomach strategy !

ventre gonflé aliments à éviter

I. Causes of a swollen belly

The first cause of swelling is a poor diet (too fatty, too sweet, too salty, alcohol, carbonated drinks) which can lead to digestive problems. 

Indeed, these foods will irritate the digestive system and cause bloating. Certain “healthy” foods can also be the cause of swelling, because they ferment in the stomach, this is particularly the case with cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), raw vegetables/raw vegetables and dairy products.

Fermentation takes place in the intestine and aims to destroy dietary fiber. The problem is that this induces intestinal gas production causing bloating and flatulence. The two are often linked.

Other possible causes of a bloated stomach are:

  • Stress
  • Medical treatment
  • Sedentary lifestyle 
  • Premenstrual syndrome

Additionally, it is important to mention other factors that can contribute to a bloated belly. For example, excessive fiber consumption can be problematic. 

Although fiber is beneficial for digestive health, excessive consumption can lead to bloating due to increased gas production.

Another possible cause is excessive salt consumption. Too much salt in the diet can lead to water retention, which can make you feel like you have a bloated belly.

In addition, food intolerances can also lead to a bloated stomach. If you are intolerant to certain substances, such as lactose or gluten, your body may respond by producing gas or retaining water, which can make you feel like you have a bloated stomach.

Finally, certain gastrointestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease, can also cause a bloated stomach. 

If you have persistent symptoms of bloating, it is important to see a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis.

Also Read: How to Burn Belly Fat and Why is it Hard to Lose Belly Fat?

II. Hard and swollen belly: causes and solutions

Ahard, swollen stomachcan be caused by a buildup of gas in the intestine, often due to an improper diet or digestive disorders.

These inconveniences can be exacerbated by certain lifestyle habits such as stress, lack of sleep or excessive alcohol consumption. 

To remedy this, it is essential to adopt a balanced diet, rich in fiber and probiotics, which contribute to optimal digestion. 

It is also recommended to practice regular physical activity, which promotes intestinal transit and helps reduce stress. 

Natural solutions such as herbal teas such as chamomile or mint, known for their digestive properties, and essential oils, including peppermint and lemon, can also provide relief . 

In addition, the integration of relaxation techniques and stress management, such as meditation or yoga, can have a positive impact on digestive balance and help reduce the feeling of a bloated stomach.

III. Anti-bloating reflexes

Faced with bloated stomach disorders, several reflexes can be adopted on a daily basis toreduce bloating and promote better digestive comfort

These eating and lifestyle habits have a significant impact on the health of our digestive system.

  • It is important to eat meals at a regular pace calmly and chewing well. Allow at least two hours between the last meal and bedtime to allow digestion to take place in good conditions.

  • Prefer cooked vegetables, foods rich in fiber and whole grains. These foods are more easily digested by the body, thus limiting the formation of gas in the intestine.

  • Drink water regularly, but outside of meals. Prefer mineral waters rich in magnesium for their mild laxative effect. Hydration plays a key role in the proper functioning of our digestive system.

  • Practice regular physical activity. Sport helps stimulate the muscles of the abdominal belt and therefore promote digestion and transit. A simple walk after a meal can help reduce bloating.

  • Avoid consuming foods that promote the production of intestinal gassuch as legumes, certain vegetables such as cabbage and carbonated drinks.

  • Learn to breathe well. Deep, slow breathing can help reduce stress, a contributing factor to increased bloating.

  • Avoid eating quickly. Taking the time to chew each bite thoroughly aids digestion and reduces the risk of bloating.

By adopting these anti-bloating reflexes, you help improve your digestive comfort and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of a bloated stomach.

IV. Natural solutions for a swollen stomach

The microbiota to the rescue of our stomach

Our diet is the preferred way to protect this microbiome.

To combat bad bacteria, we use foods typically derived from live bacteria used for fermentation, such as those that enable kefir production, suppress growth, or stimulate the system.

We can also encourage the growth of good bacteria by eating “prebiotics,” which are produced from dietary fiber like that found in vegetables like chicory root or Jerusalem artichoke.

Prebiotics and probiotics can be used together, both are particularly effective against digestive disorders.


At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, we offer Absolu Probiopure which will rebalance the intestinal microbiota, promote digestive comfort, improve skin quality and stimulate immune defenses.

We recommend doing a treatment over several months in order to allow the good bacteria to colonize your intestine and intervene on the various problems you face. This will allow good digestion, good assimilation of nutrients, and will considerably reduce intestinal disorders and feelings of bloating.

Essential oils to relieve a swollen stomach

To soothe the stomach at the end of each meal and facilitate digestion, think about essential oils which are beneficial for the digestive system, this is particularly the case for peppermint essential oil, lemon or cardamom.

Occasionally to help digestion, take one or two drops after a meal on a neutral tablet, sugar or in a teaspoon of vegetable oil or honey.

Foods to avoid when your stomach is bloated

As we have seen above, certain foods should be avoided to limit digestive disorders, but others, however, are capable of reducing feelings of bloating. This is the case for aromatic herbs (chives, parsley, thyme, oregano, etc.) and fruits which, thanks to their high water and fiber content, have a diuretic effect. and improves transit. The ideal is to use them fresh, but dry herbs are also effective.

carminative plants such as fennel, cumin or coriander absorb intestinal gas. They can be consumed in the form of seeds or herbal tea.

Baking soda for a less bloated stomach

Baking soda is a classic grandmother's remedy to have in your medicine cabinet! It is very effective in reducing digestive disorders , take a tablespoon diluted in a glass of water before a meal. This remedy is not recommended for people with kidney or heart problems.

Tea & herbal teas to reduce bloating

Drinking tea and herbal teas is beneficial for the body thanks to their diuretic action. They help the kidneys function properly and limit water retention.

In addition, green tea accelerates transit!

Green tea is most often recommended because it is unfermented and rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. For herbal teas, we advise you either to make your own mixture or to use special digestion herbal teas.

mint is known to soothe bloating, mallow to reduce digestive pain, and anise to regulate slow transits.

Also replace your coffee with tea or herbal teas to improve digestion.

dégonfler le ventre

The benefits of hydration

Adequate hydration is essential to promote optimal digestion and reduce bloating. Drinking enough water helps dilute stomach acids and makes it easier for food to pass through the digestive system, preventing constipation and bloating. It is advisable to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. In addition, mineral waters rich in magnesium can help relieve digestive disorders thanks to their slightly laxative effect.

Herbal infusions such as chamomile, ginger, and fennel are also beneficial. These plants have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce intestinal spasms and promote healthy digestion.

The importance of chewing

Proper chewing of food is an often overlooked but crucial step for good digestion. Chewing food well helps reduce its size, making it easier for the stomach and intestines to work. Additionally, saliva contains digestive enzymes that begin to break down food upon chewing. Taking the time to chew each bite thoroughly helps reduce the risk of bloating and other digestive disorders.

It is recommended to eat meals in a calm environment, avoiding eating too quickly. Eating slowly and mindfully not only helps you appreciate flavors but also promotes better digestion.

The impact of posture and physical activity

Posture and physical activity play an important role in digestion. Adopting a correct sitting posture during and after meals can help prevent bloating. Avoiding lying down immediately after eating is also crucial, as this can lead to gastroesophageal reflux and bloating.

Practicing regular physical activity, even low intensity such as walking, stimulates intestinal transit and helps evacuate gas. Specific exercises like yoga or Pilates can also be beneficial. For example, some yoga poses are designed to massage the internal organs and promote healthy digestion.

The influence of stress on digestion

Stress and anxiety can disrupt the digestive system and lead to bloating. Chronic stress affects the enteric nervous system, which controls digestion, and can slow or speed up intestinal transit. To manage stress, relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and regular yoga practice can be effective.

It's also beneficial to create relaxation rituals before and after meals, such as listening to calming music, taking a few minutes to breathe deeply, or practicing gratitude. These simple habits can have a significant impact on reducing stress-related bloating.

The importance of fiber in the diet

Dietary fiber plays a key role in regulating intestinal transit and preventing bloating. There are two types of fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber, found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, dissolves in water and forms a gel that helps slow digestion, promoting regular absorption of nutrients. Insoluble fiber, found in whole grains and some vegetables, adds bulk to stools and makes them easier to pass through the digestive system.

To avoid bloating, it is important to gradually integrate fiber into the diet, by increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Drinking enough water is also essential to help fiber pass easily through the digestive system.

The benefits of probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics are essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced intestinal microbiota. Probiotics are beneficial live bacteria that help maintain the balance of microorganisms in the gut. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are non-digestible dietary fibers that feed these good bacteria.

Incorporating foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, and fermented cabbage, and foods rich in prebiotics, such as asparagus, bananas, and root vegetables, can help reduce bloating. These foods promote the growth of good bacteria, thereby improving digestion and reducing intestinal upset.

Food supplements containing probiotics and prebiotics, such as Absolu Probiopure from D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, can also be an effective solution for rebalancing the intestinal microbiota and improving digestive comfort.

V. Food supplements to combat a swollen stomach

At D-LAB, we offer food supplements for the body with formulas with natural ingredients, without controversial products and without side effects. Our products are developed with scientific rigor and particular attention to the needs of the body, thus guaranteeing maximum effectiveness.

To rebalance the intestinal microbiota , we recommend Absolu Probiopure which contains a mix of 5 strains of lactic ferments. These strains will act directly in the intestine to improve digestion, reduce bloating and promote optimal digestive comfort.

In addition to Absolu Probiopure, our Fat Burner Program is a bestseller. This slimming program is composed of three products that act in synergy to eliminate stored fat and increase the intake of natural foods. A treatment offers active ingredients known to be powerful fat burners such as raspberry ketone, guarana, cayenne pepper or green tea extract.

The Metabolism Activator helps increase basic metabolism by promoting thermogenesis to transform sugars and fats into heat. This process is essential for those looking to reduce bloating and improve their figure.

The Active Energy Complex will act on fat burning, while the Slimming Detox will fight against water retention and drain your body. Together, these products provide a comprehensive approach to combating bloated belly problems.

Our capsules are of 100% natural origin. They will rebalance the digestive system, act against cravings and snacking, reduce appetite and fight deeply against bloating and other digestion problems. They are ideal for those looking to achieve a flat stomach and maintain good digestive health.

The benefits of natural ingredients

The ingredients used in our food supplements are carefully selected for their effectiveness and naturalness. Guarana, for example, is known for its stimulating properties and fat-burning effect, while green tea is rich in antioxidants and helps speed up metabolism.

Raspberry ketone, on the other hand, is another key ingredient that helps in the breakdown of body fat. These components work in harmony to provide a complete and natural solution to bloated belly problems.

A commitment to quality and ethics

At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, commitment to quality and ethics is paramount. Each food supplement is produced in our own green factory in France, thus guaranteeing impeccable traceability and quality. Our products are free of controversial substances and are formulated to respect the body while providing visible results.

We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, where each product is designed to work in synergy with the body. Our food supplements not only mask the symptoms, but address the root causes of digestive disorders and bloating, thus contributing to lasting well-being.

How to get rid of a bloated belly?

To get rid of a bloated stomach, it is recommended to adopt a balanced diet, rich in fiber and probiotics. Engaging in regular physical activity and drinking enough water are also effective measures. Natural solutions like herbal teas and essential oils can also help reduce bloating.

Does rice make your stomach bloated?

Rice, especially white rice, is generally well tolerated by the digestive system and does not cause bloating. However, brown rice, rich in fiber, can sometimes cause bloating in some sensitive people.

What food should you eat when you have a bloated stomach?

When you have a swollen stomach, it is advisable to eat foods that are easy to digest such as cooked vegetables, fruits rich in water and fiber, and aromatic herbs. Herbal teas made from mint, fennel or chamomile can also help reduce bloating.

What are the 9 foods that make your belly bloat?

The 9 foods that make your stomach bloat are: legumes (beans, lentils), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), dairy products, soft drinks, fried foods, onions, apples, pears and foods rich in insoluble fiber.

Should you avoid carbonated drinks?

Yes, carbonated drinks should be avoided when you suffer from bloating. The gas bubbles in these drinks can build up in the digestive system and cause bloating. It is best to drink plain water or herbal teas to hydrate the body without introducing additional gases.

How do eating habits impact bloating?

Dietary habits play a crucial role in managing bloating. Eating too quickly, for example, can result in swallowing air, which causes bloating. Additionally, consuming high-fat meals can slow down digestion, increasing the risk of bloating. Taking the time to chew food thoroughly and eating in a calm environment can improve digestion and reduce bloating.

Do dairy products still cause bloating?

Dairy products can cause bloating in some people, especially those who are lactose intolerant. However, there are alternatives such as lactose-free dairy products or plant-based milks (almond, soy, oat) which are often better tolerated. It's important to note that each individual responds differently, and it can be helpful to test different options to see what works best.

Are foods high in fiber always beneficial?

Fiber plays an important role in digestion, but excessive consumption or sudden introduction of fiber can cause bloating. It is advisable to gradually increase fiber intake and drink plenty of water to facilitate their passage through the digestive system. Soluble fiber, found in oatmeal, apples and carrots, is generally better tolerated than insoluble fiber.

Long-term solutions to prevent bloating

To avoid bloating in the long term, it is essential to maintain a balanced and varied diet. Regularly incorporating probiotics can help maintain a healthy gut microbiota, which promotes better digestion. Practicing regular physical activity and managing stress through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation can also help reduce the risk of chronic bloating.