complexe soleil actif
complément alimentaire bronzage
complément alimentaire pour le soleil
gélules solaires
avis complexe soleil actif
composition complexe soleil actif
complément alimentaire pour le soleil

Active Sun Complex

Sale price24,00€

Prepares, activates and prolongs the tan

Pour un teint doré en évitant la surexposition, le Complexe Soleil Actif colore naturellement la peau, intensifie le bronzage et protège la peau des méfaits du soleil. La peau est hâlée, douce, sublime.

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The sun is both our best friend and our worst enemy. It is beneficial for our health and our morale and it also allows us to have a beautiful tanned complexion! However, excess sun is dangerous, in particular it causes skin lesions and accelerated aging.

The Active Sun Complex is ideal for those who want to have a beautiful golden complexion while avoiding overexposure to the sun. This innovative 100% natural formula acts in three stages: it naturally pigments the skin thanks to carotenoids, it activates and prolongs the tan and protects the skin from damage caused by the sun's rays.


To obtain a tanned complexion without taking the risk of overexposure to the sun, we have selected powerful and highly dosed plant extracts in carotenoids.

  • THE beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A. vitamin A is essential for good skin health, it participates in the renewal of skin cells and promotes skin coloring during tanning.
  • THE apricot plant extracts And carrot are naturally rich in carotenoids and thus promote a natural tan. Carotenoids promote the synthesis of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin coloring.
  • THE copper contributes to the production of melanin and promotes optimal pigmentation of the skin.

Result : the skin becomes pigmented naturally, the tan is activated and prolonged, while avoiding overexposure to the sun.


If the sun can be beneficial for the body and morale, it is also important to protect yourself from it so as not to suffer its inconveniences. At high doses, UV rays cause numerous oxidative damages and in particular premature skin aging : the skin becomes thinner and more marked, wrinkles and brown spots appear.

  • We have selected a powerful pomegranate extract patented and scientifically tested for its anti-aging effects on the skin. This extract is very rich in punicalagin polyphenols (titrated at 30%), it helps regenerate skin cells, tighten skin texture and prevent the formation of wrinkles. It also significantly reduces hyperpigmentation and brown spots linked to overexposure to the sun.

Tests in vitro have proven the effectiveness of our ingredient in protecting the skin against UV rays. Our pomegranate extract has demonstrated:

  • Protecting tissues against oxidative damage caused by UVB¹
  • Increased production of pro-collagen and hyaluronic acid¹
  • Regeneration of oxidized cells after exposure to UVB²

¹ Test carried out in vitro on cells treated with pomegranate extract then exposed to UVB rays for 24 hours

² Test carried out in vitro on cells exposed to UVB rays then treated with pomegranate extract for 24 hours

D-LAB takes care of you and integrates specific active ingredients into each of its formulas to preserve the body on a daily basis.

  • A concentrate of vitamins and minerals: sélénium, the copper and the vitamin B2 help protect the skin from oxidative stress, responsible for premature skin aging.

The results


claim that the treatment has optimized their tan


claim that the treatment activated their tan


kept their tan at least twice as long


felt their skin more protected


of satisfaction

Learn more

Satisfaction test carried out by self-assessment by 66 people who completed the treatment for at least one month - DLAB QDC0520

The actions

Prepares and enhances the tan

This formula is rich in beta-carotene, a precursor of tanning transformed into vitamin A by the body. It contributes to protection against skin aging and participates in the synthesis of melanin.

Natural skin pigmentation

Plant extracts of apricot and carrot, rich in carotenoids, as well as copper, promote a natural tan by stimulating the production of melanin for optimal pigmentation of the skin.

Protects the skin from the sun's rays

The presence of a pomegranate extract titrated in punicalagins at 30% offers a strong antioxidant action, reducing hyperpigmentation and damage caused by the sun's UV rays.

Strengthens the skin's defenses

Selenium fights against oxidative stress, thus protecting the epidermis and promoting a harmonious tan.

Our customers talk about it

Made in our home in Auvergne



Même si cette formule intègre des actifs ultra-protecteurs contre les UV comme l’extrait de grenade ou le lycopène de tomate, nous vous recommandons d'utiliser une protection solaire lors de vos expositions au soleil pour éviter les coups de soleil et les taches pigmentaires. Votre peau sera protégée et votre bronzage accentué grâce aux actifs qui stimulent la production interne de mélanine.

Le Complexe Soleil Actif booste le bronzage de façon naturelle en stimulant la synthèse de mélanine, le pigment responsable de la coloration de la peau. Ainsi, contrairement à certains autobronzants, la peau se colore naturellement en respectant sa carnation, sans effet orange.

Il est possible de consommer cette formule en continu pour une beauté sans maquillage, même en hiver. Pour une prise ponctuelle, nous vous recommandons de débuter cette cure au moins 15 jours avant la première exposition, de continuer durant la période d'exposition et de prolonger la cure 15 jours au retour pour entretenir son teint hâlé.

Le Complexe Soleil Actif contient 28 gélules végétales dans un flacon en verre.

Des chercheurs français ont décidé de vérifier les vertus de la béta-carotène sur des fumeurs, cette étude a montré que la consommation importante et simultanée de bêta-carotène et cigarette pourrait augmenter leur risque de cancer. Le bêta-carotène serait sensible à l'oxydation causée par les produits de dégradation de la fumée de cigarette. Comme l'organisme des fumeurs n'a plus la capacité de recycler les sous-produits de carotène oxydé, ces derniers deviennent pro-oxydants et peuvent aggraver l'apparition de cancer.

Bien évidemment, il est hors de question d'interdire aux fumeurs de consommer des aliments contenant du béta-carotène : ce sont surtout les fruits et légumes, qui contiennent des milliers d'autres composés bénéfiques pour la santé. Le meilleur conseil pour les fumeurs de cigarette est peut-être d'éviter les compléments alimentaires à base de bêta-carotène à fortes doses (>20 mg/jour) notamment les compléments solaires... et surtout d'arrêter de fumer :)